ONCB attending the AD Conference to support Afghanistan's Initiatives together with regional and international partners
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Monday 20th of November 2017
ONCB attending the AD Conference to support Afghanistan's Initiatives together with regional and international partners
On 15-17 November 2017, ONCB representatives participated in the Regional Conference on Promoting Afghanistan's Alternative Development Initatives amongst Regional and International Partners at Ashgabat, Terkmenistan. The meeting also accomodated high-level and distinguished guests and delegates from other countries from Central Asia, incl. Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Pakistan,Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, successful countries implementing AD, for example, Thailand, Colombia and donor countries/agencies, EU ,for example. The salient points raised at the meeting include the following:
1. The meeting was presided over and closed by the honourable guest, H.E.Prof. Salamat Azami, Minister of Counter Narcotics.She emphasised the meeting objectives to express clearly the strong commitment of the Afghan Government to the fight against narcotics and other related crimes, and significant reduction of unlawful opium plantation in accordance with its national action plan. In compliance with the 3 international drug control conventions and the principle of common and shared responsibility, she also urged neighbouring countries in central Asia to unite their effort more not only on AD but also border security againt drug trafficking, as well as, cooperation with countries outside the region in term of south-south cooperation for the exchange of knowledge with successful countries on AD like Thailand and donor countries/agencies for more engagement, support and funding.
2. ONCB representative made a presentation and exchanged views on Thailand 's experience and success on AD. The participants found the presentation very interesting and useful and agreed that the AD programme must be implemented along with the promotion and maintenance of national peace and security. It should be comprehensive, integrated and long termed with a strong political support and participation of local villagers in all process and promotion of the rule of law.
During the meeting, the Minister of Counter Narcotics, Afghanistan stated her strong interest to have an AD study visit in Thailand and proposed the period of early next year (Jan-March) for the visit.
The Colombian representative expressed its Government's intention to have a Thailand-Colombia MoU on AD cooperation. The initial discussion on the MoU has been done and in consultation with the Mae Fah Luang Foundation.
A UNODC country coordinator for Afghanistan also informed that the Afghan and central Asian Mission had an interest to have a study visit on AD in Thailand.
3. The meeting concluded that the challanges currently found in AD comprise :firstly, the integration of not only AD and eradication of opium poppy but also other related narco crimes to the mainstreamed agenda at ministerial and national policy in Afghanistan is insufficient; secondly, at regional level, the mechanism and regular dialougues among countries in central Asia on this issue should be established and more promoted;and lastly, at international level this important agenda of AD and drug control should be mainstreamed to the strategic policy and key dialougues of economics and development forum in order that funding could be more allocated for AD programmes that now receive only limited funding support.